The applet shows boat & chair conformations of cyclohexane. Radio buttons are provided to switch between two conformations. Angle θ provides facility to rotate molecule about y axis and α is about x axis thus one can study full details of geometry.
Coordinate system – x axis is taken to right, y axis up and z coming out of screen towards viewer. Thus it is right hand coordinate system. Rotations about two axes are sufficient to view all the details of the 3D body. α is rotation about x axis such that y axis move towards z axis. And θ is rotation about y axis so that z moves towards x axis. Thus rotations follow right hand rule. Let there be a point P(X, Y, Z) in 3D. If this is viewed in 2D with both alpha & Theta to be zero, then point will appear at (X, Y) Due to θ rotation about y axis x = X*cos(θ) + Z*sin(θ) and y = Y, And then by θ & α rotations together x = X*cos(θ) +Z*sin(θ) & y = Y*cos(α) - Z*cos(θ)* sin(α). Let us plot the three +Ve axes. Let L be the length of the vector of axes. The Tip of x axis XT(L, 0, 0) YT(0, L, 0) & ZT = (0, 0, L) then xT is (L*cos(θ), 0) & yT is (0, L*cos(α) and zT is (L*sin(θ), - L*cos(θ)*sin(α). Dr Vasant Barve, 24 August 2014, Created with GeoGebra |
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Cyclohexane Chair & Boat
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Quadrilateral Family
Quadrilateral FamilyThis applet shows the family tree of the quadrilaterals. Clicking the check boxes will display the properties. The vertexes marked red can be moved to see the variation of shape and size of the a quadrilateral. Exclusive check boxes are used to display the description of properties. Red vertexes are independent object and hence can be moved to see the change in shape, size & orientation of a quadrilateral. For any queries write to Dr Vasant Barve, 20 April 2014, Created with GeoGebra |
Straight Line in 3D
Straight Line in 3DP(x, y, z) & Q(x, y, z) are two points given is space. X, Y & Z axes are drawn. θ represents rotation of system about Y axis from X to Z. α represents rotation of of system about X axis from Y to Z. So if θ = α = 0 one sees X & Y ⊥ to each other and Z as a point. If θ = 90° and α = 0 then X & Z axes are seen with Y as point. If θ = 0 & α = 90° then one sees X & Z axes. A slider L is provided to change lengths of axes. A rectangular parallelepiped is constructed with P & Q as opposite vertexes. So PCFE & QBAD are faces ⊥ to X axis. large number of problems may be tackled by choice of n by a slider. α & θ are changed by sliders.
An array of coordinates Cor of set of points P & Q is written with 1st 3 columns for P & next 3 for Q. Axes tips and vertexes of rectangular parallelepiped are now defined in 3D as X3D, Y3D, P3D etc, Dr Vasant Barve, 10 August 2014, Created with GeoGebra |